Top of Mind

Shortlist in the Branding category in 2019


BCV (Banque Cantonale Vaudoise) wanted to integrate its brand in a more pronounced way with young people (14 to 34 years old) in the Vaud Canton through a digital advertising campaign on social networks.



Vojood designed and produced a 5-video advertising campaign on the client’s Instagram and Snapchat social networks, based on 5 short and funny stories that highlighted the unconscious notion of “Top of Mind” among these young people. The notion of “Top of Mind” refers to the spontaneous first-ranking notoriety, i.e. the number of times a brand is cited as the first answer.



By creating an advertising concept where the BCV (Banque Cantonale Vaudoise) brand becomes a lexicalized brand name (examples: a Stabilo, a Kleenex, a Jacuzzi) via a common name where the word “Bank” becomes the word “BCV” in the vocabulary of the inhabitants of Vaud.


  • Advertising concept design
  • Video content creation and production
  • Campaign strategy and implementation on Instagram and Snapchat

Video campaign





Shortlist in the Branding category in 2019